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Hello, hello again my dear shiny people,

as mentioned in my previous blog entry, writing my master thesis took its toll on me. And it wasn’t so much about the writing process but I seriously struggled on an emotional level. However, I have come to find that struggles aren’t necessarily a negative thing. Me personally, I am grateful that I weathered my private little storm, as this cleared the path for me to find the courage to finally write and sing my own songs. I seriously love the city of Münster where I spent three years to do my Master´s degree in Human Geography. But I had this inkling that I needed to change my location to get a fresh new start. Since I already had a short stint in Frankfurt in 2015, I decided then and there that I would go back.

So I moved to Frankfurt at the end of 2018 and am happy to say that I had and still have wonderful friends here. So this year in March, I asked a good friend of mine if he by any chance knew someone who would be interested in doing music with me. And I was so happy when he said: “Sure Nina, I actually know a guy” and he gave me Fabi´s number. So I texted Fabi, shortly introducing myself and my music project of “Time to Shine” and he was super interested. So we met for a first jam session to see if we would be a good fit for a music duo and we instantly connected on a music level. Fabi told me about his previous bands and about touring with his last band Facing the Sun. Well, they broke up as a band and Fabi was looking for a new musical challenge. So I guess us meeting through my friend was a happy coincidence for the both of us 🙂

Anyway, so we started doing music together on a weekly basis and finally decided to participate at a Song Slam at Orange Peel which is a wonderful location in Frankfurt. After our first gig together, we then hatched a plan to start doing street gigs in Frankfurt. Sure, we were nervous about taking our little set-up out into the streets. Not performing for family or friends but for people who do not know you at all. People always say, street audience is the toughest audience. But truly, we received so much positive feedback from people who came to us and congratulated us for our songs and this really gave us the courage to continue on this project. So Fabi and I bought a new portable box with which we can amplify both Fabi´s guitar and my voice. And while up until a week ago, we mostly played songs from my album “Time to Shine” and a song called “Who am I” which Fabi wrote a while back, we also started working on songs as a duo (which we will also professionally record this autmn, so stay tuned ;)) and will also perform them in the streets of Frankfurt. So, if you are out for a walk or just chilling by the Main river, keep an eye out for us. Fabi and I would be so happy to see you during one of our next street music gigs 🙂

Over our musical journey so far, Fabi and I have become good friends and I am so grateful not only for his musical support but also for his precious advice in so many ways – be it in terms of technical equipment, beats or where to perform next. So thank you Fabi! And I am super excited for everything that is yet to come for us as a music Duo.

That being said, have a shiny day everyone and see you in the streets of Frankfurt.